Values and Statutes
Article 1
The Association “El Camí de la Solidaritat” (in English “The Path towards Solidarity”) regulates its statutes and its activities in accordance with the provisions of Law 4/2008 of 24th April of the third book of the Catalonian Civil Code relating to legal persons, and Organic Law 1/2002 of 22nd March regulating the right of association.
Article 2
The purposes of the association are:
To cooperate in the achievement of a fair, egalitarian, healthy and sustainable international society, by carrying out advocacy tasks, co-education for development and awareness-raising tasks in the university or professional field, as well as development and participation projects in the national and international field.
To put human life at the centre and to involve people in decisions and responsibilities as motors of social change and of their own development. To improve the autonomy, representativeness and mobility of individuals and groups in daily life, empowering and increasing people’s capabilities.
El Camí de la Solidaritat understands cooperation as an exchange of knowledge, experience and values in a horizontal way, based on solidarity and human rights.
To act as an incubator/accelerator for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies. In this sense, El Camí de la Solidaritat commits to providing integral support to these organizations in the different stages of their creation and development. This support includes, but is not limited to, consultancy in the elaboration of strategic planning, guidance in getting financing, training in the administration and management of the organization, and assistance in the compliance with regulatory and legal obligations.
El Camí de la Solidaritat makes an effort to promote an environment in which other NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies can prosper and achieve their aims, contributing this way to the community’s well-being and the progress of the causes that these organizations represent.
To achieve its objectives, the association carries out the following activities:
a) Cooperation projects in all stages of their cycle, including support for external initiatives through consultancy and technical advice. The entity specializes in development actions where technology and participation processes play a central role.
b) Projects based on social justice, economic efficiency and environmental sustainability to guarantee quality of life based on human rights.
c) Projects and education campaigns for development, including awareness raising, training, research and political advocacy.
d) External training courses in any format, related to cooperation and development, new techniques or project management.
e) Cultural and sports activities of all kinds, including publications and dissemination in any format, related to cooperation and development, as well as to the raising of own funds and recruitment of new partners.
f) Commercialization of different goods, services and experiences, in order to raise funds to support the different solidary causes in which El Camí de la Solidaritat is involved, as well as to finance the association itself.
g) Assessment in the elaboration of strategic plans for NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies, in order to help them to determine their objectives and to develop strategies to achieve them.
h) Guidance in getting finance for NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies, by providing advice on how to identify financing opportunities, both private and public, and how to apply for them.
i) Workshops and/or seminars about topics related to the administration and management of NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies, such as fund-raising, volunteer management, accounting and project management.
j) Assistance in the compliance of laws and regulations applicable to NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies and support to comply with these obligations.
k) Creation of a support network between the incubated NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organisations and civil societies, which facilitates collaboration and the exchange of resources and knowledge.
l) Promotion of the incubated NGOs, associations, foundations, non-profit organizations and civil societies and their activities through different communication channels, in order to help them increase their visibility and attract more volunteers and donors
All profit-making purposes are excluded.
Article 3
1. The association is established in Cambrils (58 Pau Vila street)
2. The functions of this association are mainly carried out in Catalonia, Spain.
Chapter I. Name, Purpose and Domicile
Article 4
The association is open to all natural and legal persons who, freely and voluntarily, have an interest in its aims.
As far as natural persons are concerned:
They must be able to act.
If they are between the ages of 14 and 18 and they are not emancipated, they need the consent of their parents or legal guardians to become a full member, with the right to vote at general meetings, and they cannot be elected to the Management Board.
Children under 14 years of age may acquire the status of members and exercise the rights deriving from this status through their legal representatives.
As far as legal persons are concerned:
The membership application must be agreed by the competent body.
The rules governing the legal person in question should not exclude the possibility for them to join an association.
To join the association, it is necessary to submit a written application to the Management Board, who will make a decision on the request during the first meeting and will communicate it to the most immediate general assembly.
Article 5
The rights of the members of the association are:
To attend the meetings of the General Assembly with voice and vote.
To elect or to be elected to representative positions or senior positions.
To exercise the representation conferred on them in each case.
To intervene in the governance and management tasks, in the services and activities of the association, in accordance with the legal and statutory rules.
To present before the Assembly and the Management Board everything they consider can contribute to making the life of the association fuller and the achievement of the basic social objectives more effective.
To request and obtain explanations about the administration and management of the Board or the association’s representatives.
To be heard before disciplinary measures are taken.
To receive information about the activities of the association.
To make use of the common services that the association establishes or has at its disposal.
To be part of the working groups.
To have a copy of the statutes.
To consult the association’s books.
Article 6
The duties of the members of the association are:
To commit to the aims of the association and actively participate in achieving them.
To contribute to the support of the association with the payment of dues, spills, and other economic contributions fixed by the statutes and approved in accordance with them.
To comply with the rest of the obligations resulting from the statutory provisions.
To abide by and comply with the agreements validly adopted by the association’s governing bodies.
Article 7
These are the grounds for dismissal from the association:
By decision of the person concerned. In this case, he or she will have to communicate his or her decision in writing to the Management Board.
Failure to meet the set fees.
Failure to comply with statutory obligations.
Chapter II. The members of the association, their rights and obligations
Article 8
The General Assembly is the sovereign body of the association; its members are part of it in their own unwaivable right.
The members of the association, meeting in a legally constituted General Assembly, decide by majority on matters within the competence of the Assembly.
All members, including those absent, those who disagree and those who are present but have abstained from voting, are subject to the resolutions of the General Assembly.
Article 9
The General Assembly has the following powers:
To approve, if necessary, the management of the governing body, the budget and the annual accounts.
To elect and separate the members of the governing body and control their activity.
To modify the statutes.
To agree on the form and amount of contributions to the financing of the association or the payment of its expenses, including contributions to the association’s assets.
To agree on the transformation, consolidation, spin-off or dissolution of the association.
To agree to join and leave federations or confederations.
To request the declaration of public utility.
To approve the rules of procedure and their amendments.
To know the applications submitted to become a member, as well as the registrations and cancellations of members and associates for a different reason than the definitive separation.
To ratify, if necessary, the disciplinary leave and other sanctions imposed by the Management Board for very serious offences.
To solve doubts on issues that are not expressly attributed to any other body of the association.
Article 10
The General Assembly shall meet in ordinary session at least once a year, within six months of the closing date of the financial year.
The governing body may convene the General Assembly on an extraordinary basis if it deems it appropriate, and must do so when requested by 10% of the members; in this case, the assembly must take place within thirty days of the request.
Article 11
The Assembly is convened by the governing body by means of a notice which must contain, at least, the agenda, place, date and time of the meeting.
The meeting must be called fifteen days before taking place, individually and in writing to the e-mail address that appears in the updated list of members that the association must have.
The General Assembly may meet exceptionally by video conference, multi-conference or any other system that does not involve the physical presence of the members of the governing body. In these cases, it is necessary to guarantee the identification of those attending the meeting, the continuity in communication, the possibility of intervening in the deliberations and the casting of the vote. The meeting is understood to be held at the place where the president is located.
The meetings of the General Assembly are chaired by the president of the association. If he is not present, he must be replaced, successively, by the vice-president or the oldest member of the Board.
The secretary draws up the minutes of each meeting, which he or she must sign together with the president, with an extract of the deliberations, the text of the agreements adopted, the numerical result of the votes and the list of those attending.
At the beginning of each General Assembly meeting, the minutes of the previous session are read out for approval or amendment. Five days earlier, the minutes and any other documentation must be made available to the members at the company’s premises.
Article 12
The General Assembly is validly constituted no matter the number of present or represented members.
10% of the members can ask the governing body to include one or more items on the agenda. If the Assembly has already been called, they may do so within the first third of the period between the receipt of the call and the date on which this body is to meet. The assembly may only adopt resolutions on the items included on the agenda, unless it has been constituted on a universal basis or the resolutions relate to the convening of a new general assembly.
Article 13
At the meetings of the General Assembly, each member of the association has one vote.
Resolutions are decided by a simple majority of votes of the present or represented members.
A qualified majority of the present or represented members is required for the adoption of resolutions on the amendment of the articles of the association, the dissolution of the association, the formation of a federation with similar associations or integration into an existing association, and the disposal or alignment of assets. In any case, the election of the Board of Directors, if several candidates are presented, is carried out by a simple or relative majority of the present or represented members.
Formal applications are entitled to a copy of the list of members and their addresses and e-mail addresses, provided that the members expressly authorize so.
Chapter III. The General Assembly
Article 14
The Management Board governs, manages, and represents the association. This body is made up of the president, the vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer, and the members, positions that must be held by different people.
The election of the members of the Management Board, who must be members of legal age, is done by a vote of the General Assembly. The persons elected enter into office after accepting the position.
The appointment and termination of the functions must be communicated to the Registry of Associations by means of a certificate, issued by the outgoing secretary with the approval of the outgoing president, which must also include the acceptance of the new president and the new secretary.
The members of the Board of Management exercise their functions for free.
Article 15
The members of the Board of Management shall hold office for a period of five years, without prejudice to their re-election.
Termination of duties before the expiry of the statutory period of office may be effected by:
a. Death or declaration of absence in the case of natural persons, or extinction in the case of legal persons
b. Incapacity or disablement
c. Resignation notified to the governing body
d. Separation agreed by the General assembly.
e. Any other provided by law or by the statutes
3. Vacancies on the Board of Management must be filled at the first meeting of the General Assembly. In the meantime, a
member of the association may provisionally fill the vacant position.
Article 16
The Board of Management has the following powers:
To represent, direct, and administer the association in the broadest manner recognized by law; likewise, to comply with the decisions taken by the General Assembly, in accordance with the rules, instructions, and guidelines established by this Assembly.
Make the necessary arrangements to appear before public bodies and to institute all manner of legal proceedings and appeals.
To suggest the defense of the interests of the association to the General Assembly.
To propose to the General Assembly the defense of the establishment of the quotes that the members of the association have to satisfy.
To summon the general assemblies and control that the agreements adopted are fulfilled.
To present the balance sheet and the statement of accounts of each year to the General Assembly for its approval and to draw up the budgets for the following year.
To hire the required employees.
To inspect the accounting and to make sure that the services work normally.
To establish working groups to achieve in the most efficient and effective way the aims of the association, and to authorize the acts that these groups will carry out.
To appoint the members of the Board of Directors who will be in charge of each working group, at the proposal of the groups themselves.
Take the necessary steps from public bodies, entities, and other persons, to achieve subsidies or other financial aid.
2. The use of premises or buildings that can become a space for coexistence and communication, as well as a center for citizen recovery.
To open current accounts and saving books in any credit or savings establishment and dispose of the funds in this deposit. The disposal of funds is determined in Article 28.
Resolve provisionally any case not foreseen in the statutes and inform the first meeting of the General Assembly.
Any other power that is not specifically attributed to any other governing body of the association or that has been expressly delegated to it.
Article 17
The Board of Management, previously summoned by the President or the person who replaces the president, must meet in ordinary session with the periodicity decided by its members, which in no case shall be less than once every three months.
The Board of Management must meet in extraordinary session when called by the President or when requested by one-third of the members of the Board.
Article 18
The Board of Management is validly constituted if it has been convened in advance and there is a quorum of half plus one of its members.
The members of the Board of Management are obliged to attend all the meetings that are called, although they can be excused for justified reasons. The attendance of the president or the secretary or the persons who substitute them is always necessary.
The Board of Management takes resolutions by a simple majority vote of the attendees.
The Board of Management may meet exceptionally by means of video conference, multi-conference, or any other system that does not involve the physical presence of the members of the governing bodies. In these cases, it is necessary to guarantee the identification of those attending the meeting, continuity in communication, the possibility of intervening in the deliberations, and the casting of votes. It is understood that the meeting is held in the place where the President is located. In the virtual meetings, those who have participated in the conference call and/or videoconference are considered attending members.
Article 19
The Board of Directors may delegate any of its powers to one or more committees or working groups if it has the favorable vote of two-thirds of its members.
The Board of Management can also appoint, with the same quorum, one or more agents to exercise the function it entrusts to them with the powers it deems appropriate in each case.
The formulation of the accounts and the acts that have to be authorized or approved by the General Assembly cannot be delegated
Article 20
The resolutions of the Board of Management must be recorded in the minutes book and must be signed by the secretary and the president. At the beginning of each session of the Board of Directors, the minutes of the previous session must be read so that they can be approved or rectified if necessary.
Chapter IV. The Management Board
Article 21
1. The President has the following functions:
To legally direct and represent the association, by delegation of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
To chair and direct the debates of both the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
To cast a vote of decision-making quality in the event of a tie.
Establish the convening of the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
Endorse the records and certificates drawn up by the secretary of the association.
The remaining powers are proper to the position and those for which the General Assembly or the Board of Directors delegates them.
2. The president is replaced, in case of absence or illness, by the vice-president – if there is one – or the oldest member of the Board, in this order.
Chapter V. The presidency and vice-presidency
Article 22
The role of the treasurer is to have custody and control of the association’s resources, as well as to draw up the budget, the balance sheet, and the settlement of accounts. The treasurer keeps a cash book; pays the invoices approved by the Board of Directors, which must be previously endorsed by the president, and deposits the surplus in open deposits in credit or savings establishments.
Article 23
The secretary must take care of the association’s documentation, draw up, draft, and sign the records of the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, draw up and authorise the certificates to be issued, and keep the membership register.
Chapter VI. Treasury and Secretariat
Article 24
The creation and constitution of any committee or working group must be proposed by the members of the association who wish to form them, and they must inform the Board of Directors and explain the activities they intend to carry out.
The Board of Directors has to make sure that the commissions or working groups are analysed and that they submit a detailed report of their actions to the Board once a month.
Chapter VII. Committees or working groups
Article 25
The economic resources of the association are fed by:
The dues fixed by the General Assembly for its members
Government or private grants
Gifts, inheritance, or legacies
Property income or other income that may be obtained.
Article 26
All the members of the association have the obligation to support it economically, by means of quotas or spillovers, in the manner and proportion determined by the General Assembly at the proposal of the Board of Directors.
The General Assembly may establish entrance fees, periodic monthly fees – which must be paid by month, quarter, or semester, as determined by the Board of Directors – and extraordinary fees.
Article 27
The financial year coincides with the calendar year and closes on 31 December.
Article 28
Current accounts or savings books opened at credit or savings institutions must bear the signatures of the president, the treasurer, and the secretary.
Two signatures are sufficient to dispose of the fund, one of which must be that of the treasurer or the president.
Chapter VIII. The economic system
Article 29
The governing body can sanction infractions committed by members.
These infringements can be classified as minor, serious, and very serious, and the corresponding sanctions can range from a warning to expulsion from the association, as established in the internal regulations.
The sanctioning procedure is initiated ex officio or as a result of a complaint or communication. Within 10 days, the Board of Management appoints an instructor, who processes the sanctioning file and proposes a resolution within 15 days, with a prior hearing of the alleged offender. The final resolution, which has to be motivated and approved by two-thirds of the members of the Board of Management, is adopted by this governing body also within a period of 15 days.
Against sanctions for serious and very serious offenses agreed by the Board of Management, the persons concerned may apply for ratification at the first General Assembly.
Chapter IX. The disciplinary regime
Article 30
The association may be dissolved if so agreed by the General Assembly, which has been specially convened for this purpose.
Article 31
Once the dissolution has been agreed, the General Assembly must take the appropriate measures both for the destination of the goods and rights of the association and for the purpose, extinction, and liquidation of any pending operation.
The Assembly is empowered to elect a liquidation committee whenever it deems it necessary.
The members of the association are exempt from personal liability. Their responsibility is limited to fulfilling the obligations they have voluntarily undertaken.
The net remainder that results from the liquidation must be paid directly to the public or private non-profit entity that, in the territorial area of action of the association, has stood out most in its activity in favor of charitable works.
Chapter X. Dissolution
Proceedings to certify that these statutes have been approved at the general meeting of 11/02/2020.
The Secretary
Raquel Marcos Pujol
The President
Roger Solà Martínez
El Camí de la Solidaritat
(+34) 676 48 57 37


©2025 El Camí de la Solidaritat
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